Apr 18Liked by Tiana Dashay

"the successful quitter": powerful. i may give up on something rather fast sometimes, but credit is def due for for the effort and giving it a "that wasn't for me" than saying "what if?".

i have a lyric "i tried working on myself, i'd rather say i tried..." - myself x goldielxcs

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yesss T! Nothing better than just trying something out to at least know. As an artist, I know everything is trial and error so you get it . Thank you for reading<3

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First off, I love the new title, childlike is something I am always striving to be. I too am a “quitter”, but I’ve re-purposed the term into “changing my mind”. We are allowed to change our mind. I also have experience getting further education to be able to say I’m successful because we’ve been conditioned that degrees, hold a standard but what I’ve learned is that a degree does not guarantee. I do have a bachelors and there was a time I was pursuing a masters because I was embarrassed with the job title I had. I thought if I was working on a masters at least I could say I was doing that. Do what is calling you, if it’s not a degree, that’s OK. I’m sure there are many things that are calling you and you should lean into that.

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Thank you Janel for sharing your experiences, kind words, and wisdom as always. They deeply appreciated <3

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